Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Book Review Time


Something Blue-Emily Giffin

something blue

As I was walking down the book aisle at Target, I stumbled across some books by Emily Giffin. I was in a Wedding/ Chic Lit sort of Mood, and the book covers were pulling me in. I convinced myself not to buy them, and to just go to the Library. I don’t know how I convinced myself to go into a Library. If you know me in real life, then you have heard my stories from my NYPL days ,and probably are traumatized from ever taking out books. Perhaps one day I will tell you my tales of horror. Anyway, I put her books on my Hold List at the NYPL, and went to pick up Something Blue as soon as it came in.

I would love to tell you that I loved this book. From the synopsis I had read, it was about a girl whose fiancé cheated on her with her best friend. “Oh, wow” I had thought to myself, “I could totally relate as I had a boyfriend cheat on me with a best friend”. I thought it would be a nice story of her finding the man of her dreams. Boy, was I wrong. What I came to realize is that the main character, Darcy is a total self absorbed bitch, who basically was cheating on her fiancé with one of his groomsmen.

I don’t know about you, but when I go read a book I am looking for an escape from my normal life. I am not in the mood for dealing with a bitch. I come across enough of them on a day to day basis. I am curious as to how Emily Giffin thought that this was a character women could relate to. Are we all just bitches who have cheated on our men a number of times? Are we all people that are competing with our best friends to have and take away the things that they love? Do we all steal any guy they are interested in? I like to think that I am a good friend who would never do that.

At some point Giffin tried to make this book into a Devil’s Wear Prada, by throwing in big Fashion Labels. I didn’t really care to know what Darcy was wearing or buying. The more she threw on expensive clothes or blew thousands of dollars in a day to make herself feel better about her fiancé and her best friend being together, the more I abhorred her.

Darcy does encounter a form of redemption, as she finds her true love and starts to think about other people. This epiphany doesn’t really occur until towards the end, and by the time she realizes there is more to the world than herself I could care less. I would have loved to say that I am happy for her finding true love, etc. but she is such an awful girl that I just could never embrace her.

I’m wondering if anyone else has read this book. Do you feel the same? I just can’t believe this was on the NY Times Best Seller’s List. I just don’t get it.

Anyway, I need more books to read as I’ve gobbled down 9 books in the past 2 weeks. Does anyone have any recommendations? I need a Summer Reading List!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

I'm not feeling this week

I truly am not feeling this week. I feel rather uninspired. Le sigh

I am looking forward to my weekend trip to Philly to visit The Pied-À-Terre. I don't quite know what the exact plan is yet. I think we're going to the Liberty Bell and the Zoo. I know we're definitely having Philly Cheese Steaks. My Doodle a/k/a my Hubby is coming along to and is mostly concerned about what he will be eating. He is excited for my friend's curry. He keeps asking me about food.

I have a College reunion next week that I have been convinced to go to. I was promised free food and drinks. I'm kind of wary about it all. There are some faces I'd rather not see, but that's life. I'll just smile and ignore. I promise to try to have a good time.

In August, I'm heading out to L.A. to visit some in-laws and friends. I'm looking forward to walking through the Promenade, visiting my friends at the LGF Studio, talking about films, pitching crazy ideas, etc. I'm kind of looking forward to the in-laws. They are a very critical bunch, so I have to prepare for them to evaluate my life and actions, and then tell me what I'm doing wrong. At some point I'll tune them out, laugh, and/or talk back. This is the in-laws way with each other, so I guess I can't take much of an offense. Last time I had a big family discussion with this it started like this:

Grandma: J, I know you really miss your family in NYC. But I think you need to cut
the apron strings
J: The Apron strings?
G: Yes. You need to cut them and accept our family as your new family. C (my hubby's
mom) can be like a new mom to you. You can't be living in NYC forever. That's not a
place to raise a family.
J: Oh, Good God No! I have a mom thank. I don't need to replace my family. If anyone needs to cut the strings it's my hubby, because obviously his family is too clingy and
needy. And I think NYC is a fabulous place to grow up. I was born and raised there,
and I turned out fine.
G: *mumbles to herself*
J: Pardon?
G: Nothing. You're fine.

Good times. My hubby tried to say she didn't mean it badly, but whatever. I know she did.
They do this to their entire family though. Lots of criticism. Also, lots of them claiming to be the best family ever. Seriously, they aren't. Too many skeletons in their closets. I'll try to have fun though. I end up making lots of jokes so I don't end up screaming. Oh, how I wish they were normal people.

I just need the week to end. I'm ready to start my summer fun!!! I'm also ready for a bottle of wine :)

Mi Amigas